Our Solutions: Testing
Our combustible dust testing laboratory generates combustible & explosive test data for your dusts and powders to aid in characterizing, preventing, protecting and mitigating combustible dust explosions and fire hazards.
We undertake the following combustible dust tests to simulate a primary dust explosion, secondary dust explosion and/or dust ignition:
Please contact us if you have specialized combustible dust testing needs, or if you require a Dust Hazard Analysis (DHA) or other services related to powder and combustible dust explosion safety.
Combustible Dust testing
Combustible Dust Testing is essential for industries that handle fine particulate materials. With thorough Combustible Dust Testing, you can:
By incorporating Combustible Dust Testing into your safety protocols, you can better manage risks, safeguard your workforce, and maintain operational integrity.
Protecting your people, workplaces, business and the environment from an explosion, fire or other combustible dust hazard relies on the identification, mitigation and maintenance of combustible dusts.
Our combustible dust testing laboratory offers comprehensive testing solutions with a turnaround time of 7-10 business days from receipt of the sample. These services help you identify and characterize hazardous materials and assess the related risks of combustible dust explosions.
We provide a wide range of combustible dust testing services conducted in accordance with international recognized standards, ensuring accurate and reliable results.
ASTM E1226 / BS EN ISO IEC 80079-20-2
This test is conducted to assess whether dust or powder will form a flammable atmosphere or support flame propagation when dispersed as a dust cloud in the air. It’s a purely qualitative test that categorizes a dust or powder into one of two groups:
Explosible – Explosible within a dust cloud
Non-Explosible –Non-explosible within a dust cloud
Varying concentrations of dust are dispersed into a 20L explosion vessel and exposed to at least 5-kJ (10-kJ preferred) ignition source. Piezoelectric transducers then monitor a vessels atmosphere for ignition in the form of pressure rise.
Dust and powders that are found to be explosible will present a flammable atmosphere when dispersed as a cloud. Therefore, if a sufficient ignition source is present then there is a serious risk of hazardous situations arising.
NFPA 652 requires an on-site Dust Hazards Analysis (DHA) within a facility that has explosible and/or combustible materials in process. These combustible dust hazards may result in product loss and, potential operator injury or fatality. Additional testing is required to develop a suitable basis of safety for each process handling an explosible and/or combustible powder.
Dust particles that are found to be non-explosible will not present a flammable atmosphere when dispersed as a cloud. As a result, dust and powders that are found to be non-explosible are not subject to NFPA 652 requirements in regard to a dust cloud explosion hazard of a dust cloud*. However, you will need to confirm that your sample does not propagate a flame while in a pile/layer by testing by using the Burning Behavior/VDI method.
Utilizing the Go/No Go and Combustible Screening test to determine the Burning Behavior by using the VDI 2263/BS EN 17077. These screening methods (Go/No/Go and VDI) can save the need to conduct further dust explosion dispersive testing to establish a suitable basis of safety for combustible dust hazards.
ASTM E2019 / BS EN ISO IEC 80079-20-2/BS EN 13821 (withdrawn)
The Minimum Ignition Energy (MIE) test is conducted to determine the lowest spark energy that can ignite a powder when dispersed in the air as a dust cloud. A purely capacitive generated spark is used to assess electrostatic discharges (brush, spark, transitional/propagating brush discharges).
An inductively generated spark is selected for mechanical (friction, impact and grinding) or electrical (wire short, electrical contact) spark incendivity analysis.
Working through a range of dust powder concentrations, potentially combustible dust is dispersed into a 1.2L liter glass vessel using dry compressed air. These momentarily suspended dust particles/clouds are then exposed to sparks of known energy for a selected duration. Following this, energy is then lowered, while dust powder concentration and time delay are varied until the ‘MIE’ is established.
Safety Minute-MIE -Minimum Ignition Energy -Test
Minimum Ignition Energy (MIE) data is typically used to define the minimum spark energy needed to ignite a cloud of combustible process material in the working environment. MIE is one of three core tests where ‘Avoidance of Ignition Sources’ is the ‘basis of safety’ for the operation. This approach tests combustible dust or powders to determine how sensitive they are to ignition sources such as electrostatic discharge, mechanical & electrical sparks and hot surfaces.
The basis of safety is often used when charging vessels from sacks, IBCs or FIBCs, pneumatic conveying, milling and tableting operations. Combustible dust that can create a flammable atmosphere is found to be insensitive to ignition and therefore, it is easy, practical and cost-effective to ensure that an ignition source capable of initiating a dust explosion is not present.
A sub-group of ‘Avoidance of Ignition Sources’ are the electrostatic properties of products and materials used in a process environment. This may include the electrostatic properties of materials being processed, electrostatic properties of containers or Personal Protection Equipment (PPE). This is particularly important where process materials are found to be very sensitive to ignition.
ASTM E1491 / BS EN ISO IEC 80079-20-2” to the standards before BS EN 50281-2-1
The Minimum Ignition Temperature, Cloud (MITcloud) test is conducted to determine the lowest temperature at which a hot surface will ignite combustible dust or powders when dispersed in air.
Working through a range of combustible dust concentrations, powders are dispersed through a heated vertical ‘Godbert-Greenwald’ furnace using compressed air. Once an ignition temperature is observed, the furnace temperature is reduced. Dispersion pressure and combustible dust powder concentration are varied until an ‘MIT’ is established.
The MITcloud test is one of three core tests used to access combustible dust ignition sensitivity. It is generally used when the avoidance of ignition sources is the ‘basis of safety’. MIT test data is required for defining the maximum operating temperature for electrical and non-electrical equipment used in areas where test material is present.
This section seems to be talking about MIE benefits. We need to change this to something along the lines of the following:)
Avoidance of ignition source as the ‘basis of safety’ within heated atmospheres like ovens or heavy machinery. The MIT of Dust Cloud will provide the minimum temperature where the dust will react within a dust cloud. Your team can establish a temperature below the MIT level that is a safe area to operate. You can have alerts set up to shut down the operation should the temperature exceed the established temperature BELOW the MIT result.
ASTM E2021 / BS EN ISO IEC 80079-20-2 to the standards before BS EN 50281-2-1
The Minimum Ignition Temperature, Layer (MITlayer) test is conducted to determine the lowest temperature at which a hot surface will ignite combustible dust or powders when settled as a dust layer.
Potentially combustible dust is placed onto an isothermally heated hotplate and formed into a 12 mm layer. Once an ignition temperature is observed, the hotplate temperature is reduced and tested. This is then repeated with fresh combustible dust until the lowest ignition temperature is established.
The MITlayer test is one of the three core tests for accessing a material’s ignition sensitivity. It is generally used when the avoidance of ignition sources’ is the ‘basis of safety’ for an operation. This data is required for defining the maximum operating temperature for electrical and non-electrical equipment used in areas where test materials are present.
The avoidance of sources of ignition as the ‘basis of safety’, is often used for processes such as charging vessels from sacks, IBCs or FIBCs, pneumatic conveying, milling and tableting operations. Many materials that can create a flammable atmosphere are found to be insensitive to ignition and therefore, it is easy, practical and cost-effective to ensure that an ignition source capable of initiating a dust explosion is not present.
ASTM E1226 / BS EN 14034 parts 1 & 2
The explosion severity test is conducted to determine the maximum explosion pressure (Pmax), maximum rate of pressure rise (dP/dt)max and the dust constant Kst value of an ignited combustible dust, dispersed in the air, as a dust cloud.
Working through a range of potentially combustible dust concentrations, powders are dispersed into a 20L explosion vessel (sphere) using dry compressed air. These suspended dust clouds are then exposed to a large 10 kJ chemical source of ignition and the following dust explosion is monitored, measured, and recorded, using high-accuracy piezoelectric transducers. Testing is conducted over a wide range of combustible dust powder concentrations that enable flammability curves of Pm, dP/dt & Kst to be generated, along peak values. Data created via the 20-Liter demonstrates what the maximum dust explosion pressure would be under optimum concentration.
Data generated by the explosion severity test is predominantly used for either the design of dust explosion protection systems (venting, containment or suppression) or to confirm if a material is appropriate for processes within an established hazard protection system. This data will also be used to ensure the dust collector is properly sized and vented to accommodate your material within process.
ASTM E1515 / BS EN 14034 part 3
The Minimum Explosive Concentration (MEC) or Lower Explosive Limit (LEL) test is conducted to determine the minimum quantity of combustible dust dispersed in the air, as a cloud that will form a flammable atmosphere.
Working through a range of decreasing combustible dust powder concentrations, a powder is dispersed into a 20L explosion vessel (sphere) using dry compressed air. The suspended potentially combustible dust cloud is then exposed to a large 2.5 kJ chemical ignition source and the following dust explosion is monitored, measured, and recorded, using high-accuracy piezoelectric transducers. Once ignition is achieved, the concentration of the combustible dust powder is then reduced until ignition is not possible and the ‘MEC’ is established.
Data generated by the minimum explosive concentration test is predominantly used to ensure that levels of airborne dust are kept below the minimum threshold by which a flammable atmosphere can be created and a combustible dust explosion could occur. It may also confirm if a material is appropriate for processes with an established LEV or set dust extraction rate.
ASTM E2931 / BS EN 14034 part 4
The Limiting Oxygen Concentration (LOC) test is conducted to determine the minimum quantity of oxygen, within an atmosphere, that will enable combustible dust dispersed in the air to ignite when in contact with an ignition source.
Working through a range of combustible dust concentrations, a powder is dispersed into a 20L explosion vessel (sphere) using dry compressed air and nitrogen. Using partial pressures, oxygen content within the sphere at the time of ignition is controlled. These suspended dust clouds are then exposed to a large 2.5 kJ chemical ignition sources and the following dust explosions are monitored, measured, and recorded, using high-accuracy piezoelectric transducers. Once ignition is achieved at a specific oxygen concentration, oxygen concentration is then reduced, and powder concentration is varied, until ignition is not possible, and the ‘LOC’ is established.
Data generated by the Limited Oxygen Concentration test is predominantly used for either the design of nitrogen inerting systems or to confirm if combustible dust or powders are appropriate for processes with an established limited oxygen atmosphere. As many systems are set at a much lower oxygen level than required, this can result in large nitrogen costs. This can be avoided or reduced, by knowing a combustible dust’s specific LOC and setting oxygen levels accordingly.
VDI 2263 and BS EN 17077
This combustible dusts test is conducted to assess the behavior (severity) of combustion propagation through a material deposit when ignited by an external ignition source.
A small powder strip is formed onto a heat-resistant, non-porous plate and ignition trials are performed using a hot (1000 °C) platinum wire. The burning behavior is numerically rated from 1 (material does not ignite) to 6 (supports rapid combustion) in accordance with the test standards characterization table. The rating is known as “CC” or Combustibility Class and testing is performed at ambient and elevated environmental temperature conditions.
Type of Reaction | CC | Reference Product | |
No spreading of fire | No ignition | 1 | Table Salt |
Brief ignition and rapid extinction | 2 | Tartaric Acid | |
Localized combustion or glowing with practically no spreading | 3 | Lactose | |
Fire spreads | Glowing without sparks, (smoldering ) or slow decomposition without flame | 4 | Tobacco |
Burning with flame or spark generation | 5 | Sulphur | |
Very rapid combustion with flame propagation or rapid decomposition without flame | 6 | Black Powder |
When the burning rate of solid material is known, fires or explosion dust hazards caused because of the introduction of hot embers or friction heat (on bearing failure) can be predicted and then avoided or mitigated. It also can be used as a screening tool to highlight materials that should be classified as a ‘flammable solid’ for transportation.
Can't find the combustible dust testing you need?
From fine wood dust particles to airborne dust, and from testing a material’s ignition sensitivity and severity to evaluating primary and secondary dust explosions, we provide combustible dust testing solutions for any material, product, or chemical that may pose a fire or explosion hazard.
Protecting your people, workplaces, business, and the environment from explosion hazards, fires, or other combustible dust risks relies on the awareness and maintenance of potentially combustible dust and powder materials through proper combustible dust testing.
Sigma-HSE’s combustible dust testing laboratory offers comprehensive standard and custom combustible dust testing packages to aid you in the identification and characterization of these hazardous materials and their related risks to a dust explosion.
Our dedicated team of experts is committed to helping you ensure that your dusts and/or powders will not generate a combustible dust explosion through comprehensive combustible dust testing, so you can maintain workplace safety and comply with regulatory standards.
Receive quick and accurate testing data in just a few simple steps
Get in touch with one of our experts so we can learn more about your specific process and combustible dust testing requirements. We'll then generate and send you a customized quote.
Prepare your combustible dust samples and ship them to one of our global laboratories.
Once we've received your potentially combustible dust or powder samples, we'll begin testing and analyzing. We'll then create and send you a custom in-depth report detailing the potentially hazardous properties of your materials.
If you need support after receiving your report, our after-project support team will be on hand to assist you with any questions you may have about your combustible dust or powders. We can also aid you in your understanding of what combustible dust explosion hazard prevention measures will be most suitable for your processes.
Getting your combustible dust testing for dusts and powders is an important step to prevent a dust explosion hazard. Learn more about how we can assist you to prevent a dust explosion, fire and other related hazards.
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