
Sparksheet 2

Which Standards Apply to My Combustible Dusts?

The safety standards applicable to combustible dusts, as outlined by organizations like NFPA and OSHA, can differ depending on the dust’s nature, origin, and properties. Ensuring adherence to the relevant standards is paramount to maintaining safety and mitigating the risks of dust explosions.

Navigating the vast array of standards set by NFPA and OSHA can be daunting. However, it’s essential to pinpoint those directly related to your specific dust type. Various factors, such as the dust’s chemical composition, granularity, and moisture content, play a role in determining the applicable standards.

Sigma-HSE’s Sparksheet simplifies this intricate topic, providing a clear guide on hazardous material management. Sparksheet 2 illuminates the key question: Which standards apply to my combustible dusts?

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Sigma-HSE is an internationally recognized process safety consulting company supported by ISO/IEC 17025 accredited combustible dust and hazardous chemical testing laboratories. We provide accurate and reliable data for liquid/vapor/dust fire and explosion analysis along with reactive chemical analysis. Our highly qualified consultants can help you apply this data to reduce risk in your operations through a range of process safety consulting and training solutions.

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