There is no “one size fits all” approach to managing the risks associated with combustible dusts.
The legislation states that if you handle dusts or powders, you must ensure that the design of your protection systems (venting, containment, or suppression) is appropriate, or confirm if a material is appropriate for use in processes within an established protection system. But how and where do you start?
Whether you’re just getting started with combustible dusts or are an explosion protection expert, it’s important to understand the route to maintain safety in the workplace.
In this webinar, Mike Weaver, Associate Director at Sigma-HSE and Sam Ayres, Sales Engineer at StuvEx International, discuss the route from dust testing and risk assessments through to the selection and implementation of an explosion protection system.
What you’ll learn:
- The relationship between combustible dusts and the information each test provides on their potential flammability and explosivity.
- How the implementation of a DSEAR Risk Assessment aids and advises on the identification and implementation of mitigation measures in hazardous areas.
- How to achieve suitable explosion protection and isolation from dust explosions using information obtained from testing and a DSEAR assessment
This webinar is best for:
- Safety Engineers
- Environmental Health Safety Specialist
- Risk Engineers
- Process Engineers and Process Designers
- EHS Specialists, Managers, Supervisors and Engineers