On-Demand: Management of Change (MoC) Avoiding the Accumulation of Risk

Site, operational and personnel changes occur every day across industry. Justifiable changes such as process efficiency, engineering enhancements, alterations to Standard Operating Procedures and changes to staff will all contribute to the accumulation of small changes that may result in increased risk of fire and explosion in the workplace. How is this to be mitigated?

Management of Change stands as a cornerstone in process safety management in all industries. Despite its significance, it remains as one of the most challenging aspects to implement and control. This is because seemingly minor alterations slip under the radar of formal MoC processes. These inconspicuous adjustments accumulate over time, subtly transforming the plant.

What you’ll learn:

  • How to identify potential hazards that change can produce.
  • How to consider functionality in a MoC system
  • Consequences of change for both plant and people (organisational).

This webinar is best for:

  • Technical Manager
  • HSE/EHS Manager
  • Chemical Engineer
  • Process Engineer
  • Development/Process Chemist

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