A Hazardous Area Classification (HAC) study involves classifying an operating area based on the likelihood of ignition of flammable gas/vapour/combustible dust. It is a hazard and risk assessment that addresses the likelihood that an explosive atmosphere (flammable dust/air mixture) is present in a certain location and its level of persistence.
The driving force behind HAC is traditionally the need to ensure that electrical installations do not pose an ignition hazard in a plant handling flammable liquids, gases/vapours or combustible dusts.
In this webinar, we provide an overview of Hazardous Areas Classification (HAC) and information on how UK/European and US process companies use the data to create safe working environments and meet regulatory compliance.
From this joint presentation from our UK and US consultancy team you will gain an understanding of:
- Flammability data requirements for Hazardous Area Classification;
- HAC process for flammable gas/vapour and dust processes;
- Appropriate selection of equipment in hazardous areas.
This webinar is best for:
- Technical Managers
- HSE/EHS Managers
- Process/Technical/Safety Engineers
- Process Hazard Analysts
- EHS Engineers/Coordinators