Introducing the Sigma-HSE Sparksheet

Prevent fires and explosions by making suitable combustible dust testing decisions.

Flammable dusts and powders have the potential to pose major risks. Many industries handle combustible dust as their primary product, and many more use combustible materials as a by-product of their production.

Manufacturing and processing organisations that handle flammable materials must undertake a DSEAR / ATEX assessment which may identify the need for fire and explosion testing to support your basis of safety for each unit operation in your process.

Created by Michelle Murphy, President of Sigma-HSE inc., the Sigma-HSE Sparksheet is a one-page informational flowchart that answers common question around combustible dust management.

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Fill out the form below to get your copy of the Sigma-HSE Sparksheet resource, and find out how your business can prevent fires and explosions by making suitable combustible dust testing decisions.

Sigma-HSE is an internationally recognised process safety company with ISO/IEC 17025 accredited dust testing laboratory. We provide fire and dust explosion data and our expertise covers a range of other process safety consultancy, testing and training solutions.

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